Who we are
Who we are?
We are a group of churches and leaders across Canada laboring towards seeing a plentiful harvest of disciples and churches to the fourth generation. Our heart is that churches and disciples across Canada will know simple, biblical, and reproducible tools to be able to share the gospel, make disciples, start churches and see leaders raised up.
Partner Churches
Emmanuel Church - Barrie, ON
Springvale Church - Stouffville, ON
Harbour Fellowship Church - St.Catharines, ON
Pony Church - St.Catharines, ON
Leadership Team
Missionary Partners
Tim Klaassen - Vancouver Island, BC
Isaiah Bennett - Church Multiplier
Isaiah is one of the pastors at Pony Church, a church that started in 2020. He is passionate about sharing the gospel and raising up more leaders for this task.
Byron Chae - Church Multiplier
Byron is passionate about raising up labouers for the plentiful harvest in Toronto and throughout Canada. Byron is excited to be in the harvest to share Jesus and follow up with people he met in the harvest. He is eager to train other leaders to see the plentiful harvest and train them to become disciples who make disciples.
Liam Wilson - Church Multiplier
Liam is one of the pastors at Pony Church, a church plant that started in 2020. He is excited about what God is doing in his life as he seeks to obey the Great Commission
Jeff Bennett - Strategy Coordinator
Jeff’s heart is to see a plentiful harvest in Niagara and throughout Ontario. To that end, he is out In The Harvest, sharing the gospel each week, striving to make disciples who make disciples and working to see churches started throughout our region and province.
Listen to Jeff’s Interview with Steve Addison from Movements.net
Contact us
Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!